
Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Italy Chronicles

Recently Eric and I took little trip to Italy (and by little, I mean epic!). We had visited there on our honeymoon and absolutely fell in love. We never thought in our wildest dreams (okay maybe in our wildest) that we would get to go back and visit again. Enter Bill, my father-in-law. It just so happens that he works part time in Bologna, Italy and he and Sharon (Eric's mom) wanted to take Eric and I with them this summer! Be still my heart. We ended up spending two blissful weeks in Bologna, Sardinia, Cinque Terre, and Venice. It really was the trip of lifetime. So much so that there's no way I will be able to cover it all in just one post hence the title, "The Italy Chronicles" (I thought about titling the series, "The Chronicles of Italy" but then you all might find out what a huge C.S. Lewis dork I am, and we can't have that!)

So without further ado, I give you The Italy Chronicles Part I:

Eric is the photographer in the family. I mean, I can take a picture or two, but he really is the one with the talent. He's got the fancy camera and lenses and Photoshop...etc. Me? I have my iPhone. Therefore, the majority of the pictures I'm about to post were all taken with that glorious little piece of technology. I hope you enjoy!

Eric and I on our longest flight: Chicago to Frankfurt
Airport love
My first pizza in Italy (this trip). Delish!
Oh the gelato! We made it a nightly ritual to get gelato after dinner, and no matter how full I was, I somehow always found room.

One of the many lively streets in Bologna. That city never sleeps, I tell ya.
Every night they would show old Italian movies in the square. One of the coolest things I've every seen.
The entire city is made up of Portico's just like this. To them, it's just like our sidewalk. But for me...I couldn't take enough pictures.
A mini square. It looked absolutely magical at night.
Just a building. Nothing too special but it's exceptional beauty.
Restaurants overflowed into the streets all over the city.
Street corner aglow.

Wishing I could go back, 

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