
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Team Stern

Late last year one of my dear friend, Steve Stern was diagnosed with ALS. This was the man who mentored me as I first stepped into the role of "Worship Pastor". He helped me to grow in that position and challenged me in an amazing way. He counseled my husband in making some major life decisions (aka marrying me!) and has been an amazing example of a husband and father to us and countless others. Bo, his wife, and Whitney, his daughter, walked with me through the first few years of living on my own and have always been there for me, ready to counsel, pray, lend an ear to listen or be a shoulder to cry on.  

Devastated by the news, and saddened to be so far away from him and his lovely family, all I could do was pray, get others to pray, and read Bo Stern's blog.  Bo's perspective and honesty is truly something that I have always admired, but even more so now as she walks through this season with her family. To say reading her blog is inspiring is a huge understatement. She is a living, breathing example of what trusting in the Lord looks like, even when life doesn't look the way you thought it would. I love her and her family with my whole heart and know that Jesus is going to (even already is) do something great through this. What the enemy meant for evil, God will use for good.

It just so happens, that Eric, Jayne and I will be in Bend just in time to participate in The Walk to Defeat ALS. I can't believe the way that our traveling dates work out perfectly, and I'm more than completely honored to walk for Team Stern and the many others who are fighting this battle. I'm asking you to help fight this disease by supporting me as I walk September 10th.  You can make a donation here. Just type in my name and follow the steps from there. 

I'm really excited to help and participate in this way, and you can too!

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